“Split screen.” Yesssss pleeease.
If the vice-presidential debate back in 2020 is any indication, this will be a goldmine for us hand-makers. That upstaging fly on Mike Pence’s hair! Kamala Harris’s pearly manicured nails flashing as she raised her hand in that just-stop gesture! Those unforgettable two words, “I’m speaking”!
Immediately following that debate I started needling at those two words in a frilly font and fly-swatter in a raised fist. My socials were filling up with other joyful handmade responses while the entire Biden-for-president campaign capitalized on those words and that insect. “Truth Over Flies” collectible Democrat-blue fly-swatters were offered for $10 on the official campaign website, and the candidate himself posed for pics with a fly-swatter.
I’m Speaking is now in the possession of a friend, a professional who has endured hot air from the higher-ups her entire working life. Hanging this craft in her corporate offices would be a red flag — risky, even four years later. I appreciate that potency. I also appreciate every woman who has spoken up for what is right even as they’re shut down.
Kamala Harris never needed to find her voice; it was always there; she just needed high-level support to be heard. She’s coming through loud and clear, with none of the nice-girl qualifiers and question marks that women have had to use to keep the menfolk calm.