That's what an education can do for you. Sure, maybe he would have made that spatial connection without montessori, but I sort of doubt it. He was maybe 4.
Flash forward almost 20 years ;-) and here I am, making connections that would never have happened if I didn't toss it all in to go to art school.

I would have just enjoyed the image of this little guy in the pirate getup my sister and I cobbled together by his request — that is, if I hadn't spent countless hours taking notes in art-historical slide lectures.
Now I don't see this as a quick snapshot; it's an image full of unintended reference to Italian surrealist painter Chirico. The bland, looming institutional architecture just enhances the diminuitive child who patiently stands for the photo before the party.

I'm maybe missing the point when I start to view a snappy Halloween pic as a study in the juxtaposition between blissful unawareness and relentlessly banal societal constructs.
Worse, I'm pretty sure I've become a pompous ass.